Venture Capital | BIPO Fund – I

Fund Size

EUR 250m

Side Car SPV

EUR 750m

Fund Description

Late Stage Series B/Pre-IPO

World-class teams; stellar user experiences; disruptive business models. We see them every day in our work across the globe, but it’s only on rare, precious occasions that we find all three in one company.

When it happens, we invest and engage closely with founders and management to fulfil the company’s unique potential. Capital V Venture Capital team invests globally on specific stages of maturity, from Series B to secondary shares and Pre-IPO companies. The BIPO Fund I is a leading technology investment fund, providing capital to the world’s entrepreneurs and founders and exceptional board level guidance. BIPO Fund I has a sidecar special purpose vehicle for follow on rounds at 3x the fund size to maintain its positions with in the respective investment.

Fund highlights

Fund Manager: Capital V
Fund Admin: Apex
Legal: Khazna International Advocates
Auditor: Russell Bedford
Financial Advisor: PWC
Fund Profile: Late Stage Series B/Pre-IPO
Target Market: Global
Fund Size: EUR 200m (Closed Dec 2020)
Fund Closing: EUR 50m (Closed Jan 2021)
Side Car SPV: EUR 750m (Closed Mar 2021)