We are Capital V

About Capital V

Capital V is incorporated in Hong Kong and Abu Dhabi General Markets (ADGM) and is regulated by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) and Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA).

The company was established to operate Late Stage Technology and Real Estate Opportunity Funds. These funds are designed to take advantage of macroeconomic cycles and trends, technology shifts, pre-IPO opportunities and market movements.

We also offer a Fund of Funds strategy to provide optimised and customised risk/return investment solutions for specific clients.

At Capital V, our portfolio companies are at the core of everything we do. We advise our portfolio companies needs and objectives before we recommend tailormade investment and growth strategies.

Advisory Services


The HKMA and FSRA maintain an environment designed to foster the guiding principles of ADGM, namely integrity, transparency and efficiency.

HKMA and FSRA have achieved this by embedding uncompromisingly high standards in a clear, succinct and flexible regulatory framework, based on international best practices.

As an HKMA and FSRA regulated company, we adhere to best-in-class global standards. Furthermore, we have implemented a system of internal and external risk management pillars.

Risk Management

The Group Managing Partner of Capital V has established an independent oversight function with the mandate to implement a robust risk management framework, best suited to the complexity of our business activities.

This framework includes a full suite of policies covering operational, legal, regulatory, compliance, reputational, liquidity, IT, market and credit risks. Compliance with the risk management framework is monitored and reported to the Board through a risk management committee, chaired by our Chief Risk Officer.

Over and above adherence to the firm’s risk management framework, we ensure that every level of the company remains risk-aware at all times, in both their day-to-day conduct and business execution.

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Our Partners

Given the diverse and sometimes complex nature of our business, Capital V also employs leading external partners to supplement our in-house risk functions.

Khazna International Advocates & Legal Consultants – Legal Advisors
Russell Bedford – External Audit
Crowe MAK – Internal Audit
Equiom – Compliance
APEX – Fund Administrator